Monday, May 10, 2004

Beets, sounds like you have done a good job of ramping it up at the end. First with the 5 hr outings on the MTB and now extending the clicks. That's the way to work it. Like slowcolnago my training has been hampered by family commitments. I have been getting out regularly, almost everyday, but I am at nowhere near the level of fitness that I had hoped for. I have just been missing the "endurance" part of my training. My refusal to go on a diet has kept me pegged at 176-8lbs, which is off my target, but I am not making any excuses. I am pumped and ready to roll. I think a 100k+ day would be good on Saturday. it would help me get used to the bike. But please don't over do it. Last thing you need is an injury.