Monday, May 17, 2004

Well, Beetle and Slocolnago finally made it out for the "big easy", our wind-up ride, this past weekend. It was a little more big than easy, I might add, but it went smoothly. We did 133 km at 25.7 kph average speed (netting out the rest stops, of course). Not much climbing though, other than a long gentle 7 km hill leading into Bellfountain, and a few rollers on Forks-of-the-Credit Road. Generally upwind (20 kph out of the North, per Env. Can.) and gradual up hill on the out leg, and very fast on the return leg, often top gear, 100 cadence.

We were both tired at the end, but had something left in the tank, especially after we had a chance to sit in the warmth for a few minutes. The weather was cool,about 9 C at the start, it never reached to more than 14 C. A tiny bit of rain at the end. I still think the cool weather wacks you out.

My biggest problem was entirely due to pilot error. I showed up at Beetle's house without my cycling shoes (mental note; never, ever, skip the morning coffee), and had to ride 133 km in Beetle's wife's running shoes and a pair of mountain bike pedals with toe clips. My ankles are still a bit sore, but much better than they were after the ride. Oh yeah, my saddle position was screwed up from having the bike in for the upgrades. It was tilted way back, so on the first long climb I had to ride the horn to stop myself sliding off the back.

I am psyched for the Nova Colli now. I'm very anxious to see the first climb, as we just don't have anything to compare here. I doubt we climbed more than 2 or 3 hundred meters on Saturday. I will reserve my 130 vs. 210 decision until the first climb is over.

Here's the really exciting news; HQ (Ramona) told me that if I wanted to pick up a C 40 this week, I should go ahead and do so. I told her that it was too late to get a new bike, but that it sure would make a nice Father's day/birthday gift. She agreed.



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