Monday, November 07, 2005

Here's day 2 of my new toy.

Ride Duration=30 min

Calibration= -13
I warmed up for 5 minutes and it calibrated -13. I have done this 5 times now and I always get -13 at 6 or 8 bar irrespectively. I got -10 yesterday once but i assume it was a fluke due to irregular peddling. I tried tightening underneath to get it to calibrate at 0 like the article says, but it's already as tight as it goes.

i worked up to a +9 hump in the middle.

Max speed 77kmh.
I hit this when I was playing around with the interval training function. I guess i set the watts too low and it removed the brake. The taxc made a very high pitched dont-go-there whining and I backed off.

av speed 34.9

max/av HR ???
The HR monitor stopped after 15 min. It might be because it's not polar compat. (Oregon scientific)

max watts 487
av watts 180
is a 180w consistent with a 34.9 av over almost entirely flat terrain? According to CGs chart i should have been around 32kmh

av cad 80
I was in 50x12 for most of the flat riding

max cad 154
This would confirm what the article says about the tax having some problems in high end cadence measuring. I doubt very much i went past 120.



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