Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sciatica is a bad bad thing.

I tried the tacx for 5 min on tuesday but it was way too painful.
I tried again yesterday and it felt pretty good if i didnt bend over and hold the bars.
20 min @ 25.8kph.

I maintain that cycling is good for lower back problems. "The back doctor" agrees with my, but he seems to be the only one, and the copy I have of his book goes back to 1985.
He said that the position on the racing bike is a natural pelvic tilt, and i belive he's right. There is also no torsion and little compression.

My doctors here are all opposed to cycling for sciatica except for one. The oposition doubts the position for the back and belive that the bumps from the road are bad. The doctor who is treating me says that If I take car of my back with a correct exercise regime I will be able even to do running races again. I just have to avoid the heavy lifting.

DG, do you provide cometetive rates for drywalling? Would you move a TV set for a bottle of primitivo?

I will document my recovery. 11 years ago I made a speedy recover by riding regularly.



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